Sunday, February 28, 2010

reflections from the airport

Well, here we are, finally, sitting in Seattle airport, waiting to board our plane. We left Royal Heights Baptist Church this morning at 8:45a.m. It has been a long, but fun day, filled with adventure. We took the Amtrak Bus to Seattle and then after dinner boarded a rail train to the airport. Minutes after boarding the train, it came to a complete (and unexpected) stop on the rail. Moments later, we were instructed to get off the train as it had broke down. After a while, that one was moved and a new one came and picked us up. Then our flight to Dallas has been delayed over an hour. The adventure never ends!!!! :)
In looking back, it has been such an incredible week. I don't think I have walked this much since the last olympics in Italy!!! Speaking of former olympics, during my mission trips to Salt Lake City and Torino, God revealed to me a specific person or persons who were my reason for coming on those trips. As we began the week in Vancouver, I wondered would it happen again. Would there be that one person or family that I would know I was called there to minister to or would it be more of a general calling this time? As the week began, it seemed it would be more of a general ministry experience, but then, as the week progressed, God began to open my eyes to one particular person.
As I have mentioned in my previous posts, we were volunteering at Aberdeen Station, near the Oval center, where some of the skating events were held. Because foot traffic was so heavy before and after events, the city positioned crossing guards at the major intersections to ensure safety. The crossing guard assigned to our location was J.T. We met J.T. on Tuesday when we arrived to begin our hot chocolate ministry and he helped us cross the street. We thanked him, told him we would be there all week and found out he would be as well. As the day progressed, J.T. would take hot chocolate from us and then he would stop the highway traffic and let us cross the road with our backpacks full of hot chocolate. Near the end of the day, I was able to offer one of our More Than Gold pins to him and he accepted it and promised to read the card that told about it. I asked him if we could pray about anything for him and he said that he needed work after the olympics. Please join us in praying for him in this area.
Each day, we would talk with J.T. a little more and I began to build a friendship with him as he would call me by name and we would talk as opportunities would come available. The week was nearing the end and I began to feel a burden to talk with J.T. Each day before our shift began, we would arrive early and go to Tim Hortons (think Starbucks) get something to drink and sit and eat our packed lunches. Friday morning, as we sat there, I saw J.T. coming toward Tim Hortons. I felt impressed to buy his lunch, but, he was only taking a quick bathroom break and headed back out the door. Our paths crossed briefly that day, as usual, and we talked of how Saturday would be our last day.
Saturday arrived and again, we were eating lunch at Tim Hortons. Again, J.T. came over and this time he got in line. I, again, felt impressed to ask if I could buy his food. So, I went up, spoke and asked him. He was a little shocked at first, but said sure. I told him how much we appreciated all that he had done for us during the week and how great it was to have met him. He told me how much he had appreciated meeting us and wanted to know if there was a website where he could learn more about why we were doing what we do. I told him there was and that before we left I would give him the address, some other items and that I wanted to talk with him some more. He said that would be great. The day went by and after 3 hours of being on our feet, carrying backpacks of hot chocolate, Robin, Joe and myself decided to take a break. Upon returning from the break, my heart sank as I saw no crossing guard standing at our corner. I asked where J.T. was and one of my teammates informed me his shift had ended earlier than normal and he had left. And then she smiled a big smile and said, "but he left you this". J.T. had come over to the corner looking for me and when I wasn't there, he took the material I had laid out for him and he left me his e-mail address so we could communicate more. Praise God!!!! Even when things don't go the way we think they should, God is still in control and still so very faithful. Please pray for J.T. that God will continue to reveal Himself through people, scripture and through our e-mails. And please pray the same for all those we encountered while at the 2010 Winter Olympic games. May God be praised and glorified in all things!!!

Serving together,


Friday, February 26, 2010

A word from Mary Ellen

On one of the bus rides into the city, I noticed a classy lady sitting across the bus from me. There was some conversation among some of our group and some other riders nearby. This lady was just looking toward the group and then away. I thought perhaps she was not pleased with the discussion, but I had opportunity to smile at her several times. As we exited the bus, she rushed over to me and hugged me, exclaiming how glad she was that we were here doing what we were doing to serve others. When she hugged me again, she kissed me on the cheek. I had a chance to talk with her for a few minutes as we walked toward the Skytrain. She asked me where we were going, and then said she was going the same way and would help us find the right station. On the train we had further conversation. I learned of some of the personal struggles in her life, of her spiritual journey and of her sense of survival through what she described as strength from the guardian angels that were always with her. She asked for my address and phone # so that she might be in touch with me, as she believed that I was one of those angels sent to encourage her. She caressed my cheek as she called me her angel. As we parted, she hugged again and this time kissed me on the mouth. I trust that the witness given to Rose, this beautiful lady of Italian descent, will be watered in the days ahead.
In orientation upon our arrival, we were told of the extremely low percentage of persons in Vancouver who profess to having a personal relationship with Jesus; however, we were also aware of the prayers for this city prior to the Olympics. One of the highlights of the trip has been the number of believers we have encountered. It just seems that a lot of the "few in number" of local believers in addition to "foreign" believers must have been directed into our paths. An example was the beautiful young woman with whom I chatted on the bus tonight. She immediately showed me her "More Than Gold" pin on her lapel which she had received earlier. As we talked about why we were here, she seemed encouraged. As my bus stop appeared suddenly and I began to say goodbye, she took my hand and said to me: "Thank you for coming because I love Him too!" We praise HIM because He has His people all over the world. Our prayer is that HIS family will greatly increase as He uses the ministry in His name here at the Winter Olympics of 2010.

Mary Ellen Hill

Brighouse Encounters

Hot chocolate is a hot success. I have had some wonderful encounters as I pass out cups of the stuff. I met a young woman with a small child. We talked some and she had already received a More Than Gold Pin so I asked her if there was anything I could pray about for her. All of a sudden she began to pour out her story. She had left her husband and four children for another man and had a baby for him. She recently recommitted her life to Christ and now didn't know whether to try to go back to her husband or stay with this man whom she had left several times. We talked a long time and I shared some personal experience with her. Then we went over by ourselves and I was able to pray for her right then. I asked for God to guide her as she reads her Bible and prays and for him to give her the courage to follow his leading. I told her it probably wouldn't be easy but that God would be with her every step of the way as she follows him. Please pray for Tresse to know God's will and be obedient.

Another day I had a great encounter with a lady who drives a bus for the city. Please pray for Judy. Her sister has breast cancer and the media people and the drunks are giving her a fit. She's having trouble with her temper. I shared the pen with her.

So many more experiences on the trains. Takes over an hour to get to our site. Some people are receptive and some aren't but if we can't talk to them we pray. God is so good!
Have a great day ya'll. Pat

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hot chocolate anyone?

Free Hot Chocolate!!!! Get your free hot chocolate!!!! Those words will be in all of our dreams tonight I'm sure. Today we started our more structured ministries in partnership with the Salvation Army, giving out free hot chocolate and coffee. We really weren't sure what to expect, but as usual, God provided blessing upon blessing!!!

We divided into three teams and served three different transit locations. As people would come and go from the trains, buses, etc. or come from an olympic event, we would be there smiling through the cold and rain and offering the free beverages to any and all who would receive them.

At the site I was at, people were coming from watching an event at the Oval and would line up as they had to wait to cross the street. We would be there, with a large backpack on our backs, that housed a container of hot chocolate inside with a hand held spout that connected into the canister. If they made it past us without a drink, then as they crossed the street, the rest of the team were waiting at a table with more hot chocolate. One gentleman called us the choco-samaritans. I took that as a compliment!! ha,ha

As people would respond to our upbeat offer of a hot drink, one person would pull out a cup and whoever had the backpack would pull the little hand held lever and hot chocolate would fill the cup. Top it off with whipped cream and they were set to go. Sounds like fun, you was!!! Sounds like the backpack was a really cool piece of was!!! But are you sure it sounds like ministry?.....IT WAS!!!! We didn't have much time with these people, but a smile, a kind word, a cup of hot chocolate or coffee given in His name opened the door for some to have a brief conversation with us, others to ask why would you do this for us and yet others to offer a word of blessing upon us for our service to them. So many people were so very grateful and amazed that we would come all the way from South Carolina for no other reason than serving them. What made them even more amazed was the fact that while we served them the hot chocolate and smiles, we were standing in the cold, pouring rain with no cover. One gentleman even covered us with his umbrella while we poured his cup. Who knows how God, in His inifinte wisdom and love, will use those brief encounters today for His glory. As one of our volunteers told a young man today when he asked her if she thought their meeting was a coincidence, she responded.......absolutely not, it was planned by God Himself that we should meet and get an opportunity to talk and share with one another. Thank God for all three teams today and all the God moments we experienced!!!!

In closing tonight, let me point out something that we are noticing more and more everyday. Many of our encounters are continuing to happen with people from Canada who are already believers, but just need our encouragement. We are quickly coming to believe that this is one of the main reasons we are here; to encourage His people and let them know they are not alone!!! As we attempt to do this, we find ourselves being encouraged by them as well. Please pray for the people of Canada as there are so many who don't know our precious Father. And please pray for those that do know Him that they may step out with boldness and confidence knowing that they, just like us, are never alone!!!!

Serving together,


The journey continues.....

Well, as you can tell from the time stamp, it is REALLY late, but I want to catch you up on the last couple of days. God continues to be so incredibly faithful and to move in and through our group.
Yesterday (Sunday) we had a pretty full day of orientation. I will admit, when I saw this on the schedule, I wasn't excited about going. But, wow, did God show how much higher His ways are than mine (as always)!!! The orientation was good and helpful, but our times of worship were almost beyond words. The praise band started off the day with some great songs of God's power and love. Near the end of the time, the pastor from the church we were at came simply let God speak through him. His words were penetrating, refreshing, convicting and every other adjective you can imagine. Then we were served communion and ended with another time of simply singing our praises to God!!! What a way to bring us before the throne!!!!
We actually do not start our hospitality ministries until Tuesday, so today was a "minister as you go" day!! After a great breakfast (thanks Mr. Frank and Mr. Chuck), most of us went to town to check out the sites and to also prayer walk, make friends and enjoy those people that God brought across our paths. Others stayed behind in Surray and Delta to prayer walk and encounter people here. Many pins and guides were shared and the story of God's love was made known across Vancouver and the surrounding areas today!!! Hopefully tomorrow, some of the other team members will begin writing about their experiences, but just know that from the time we got on the first bus and train God begin to work. He brought a mom with her three children who were so friendly and open to talking and listening, a father and his small daughter who captured the heart of one of our volunteers, the hindu lady who stood with us in line for a free olympic pin and listened about how we value a relationship with Christ and took one of our pins and on and on the list goes!!! We ARE here for a purpose and God is so gracious to use us, with all our shortcomings, to experience just a piece of His kingdom work here on Earth!!!
As always, we ask for your prayers and thank you for your support. From two of our encounters today, comes some prayer requests. Mary Ellen and Jan met a young lady at the A & W who was a Christian and wanted prayer for her fiance' named Martin, who is serving in Afghanistan right now. Also, a lady we met in Vancouver just found out her brother-in-law, Craig, has been diagnosed with cancer and would like for us to pray for him as well. Please join us in lifting up these requests and may God bless you as you minister where He has planted you this week!!!!

Serving together,


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Vancouver at last!!!!

After a long and tiresome day of climbing stairs, loading and unloading luggage, catchingbuses, trains and then more buses, we finally made it to Vancouver and to the church we are staying at in Delta. A very special thank you to Christy Hansen, our team member that was here for most of last week as well as most of our trip. She met us at the transit station and helped us get to the church. Her experiences last week and the knowledge she gained has made her invaluable on this journey and she is always so willing to share and serve!!! The church we are staying in is Royal Heights church and already they have made us feel like family!!! What a blessing to travel from one side of the country to the other and then up and still find brothers and sisters in Christ!!!
Although it truly was a trying day in many ways, God still blessed us with those special blessings along the way. Like the young canadian lady who jumped (and I mean that literally) onto the Sky train with us and all our luggage, and was so friendly and helpful to the young vancouver family who was intrigued with our accents and where we were from. And then, as we were standing, with our luggage, prepared to wait several more minutes for the 312 bus to come and take us to the church, another bus appeared with no numbers, but simply the word "special" across it. It drove by us, turned and then stopped. The driver asked where we were needing to go and said to hop on and he would take us right to the steps of the church. What a blessing this was. God has sent truly sent a special bus and driver to take us on that last leg of our trip here.
We are all very tired and praying for an incredible night's rest!!! Please continue to lift Mr. Bob up in your prayers as he is still not feeling well. Also pray that tomorrow finds us all rested and ready to begin our orientation, still keeping in mind, that no matter what we our schedule may say, we are already on mission for Him!!!! God bless and thanks so much for the kind words, comments and prayers!!!!

Serving together,


Friday, February 19, 2010

Traveling encounters

Last night I wrote to you from a hotel room in Charlotte, NC and tonight I write to you from Highland Community Church in Seattle, WA. This is where we are spending the night before taking the Amtrak bus on into Vancouver tomorrow morning. The church has been wonderful, picking us all up from the airport, loaning us a personal mini-van to travel in tonight and providing a place to sleep, breakfast tomorrow and a trip to the Amtrak station. I pray that God will continue to bless this giving congregation as they shine brightly in their community.

In my post last night, I asked that you pray that we would remember that we are already on mission, each and every day, even as we traveled today. Well, someone's prayers were answered and I thank you for that. God certainly provided some incredible traveling encounters today.

The first one was in the Charlotte airport before we even got started. We were waiting to board and some of the team was talking about "the Lord" and such and a young man sitting behind them, interrupted their conversation, and told them how he heard them speaking of God and wanted to join in. Turns out this young man of 18 was already a believer, a very strong and bold believer, who with his family, tours the country singing the praises of our Lord. God is also beginning to open doors for this young man to have opportunities to speak to youth groups and be a bold witness. He blessed our hearts with his obvious love for Christ and his sweet spirit. We told him about Beaufort and SC and how God had called our group from across the state (and NC, Ms. Carolyn) to travel to Vancouver to share His message there. Our conversation continued for a while and then it turned to prayer concerns. This young man then shared with us a very recent diagnosis of cancer and how God was using it in his life to make him stronger and to glorify the Father. He then talked of future plans, depending on what route the cancer takes, and how that God knows what is ahead and will continue to use it for good. And then, before we could offer to pray for him, he offered to pray for us and proceeded to lift us before the throne. After finishing, Pat was able to pray for him and we hugged, shook hands and boarded our individual planes, knowing we had been among family!!! Please lift this young man up to our father, for ministry opportunties and for God's healing in his life, whatever form that needs to take.

Our second encounter was on the airplane from Charlotte to Dallas, where a young lady from Greenville was heading to San Diego to spend a few days with her soon to be husband, to house hunt!!! A very exciting time. As she and Robin began to share, she told of her relationship with Christ and of her desire for her and her fiance' to be "on the same page" in this area of their lives. Robin was able to share with her and continue to build a relationship during the entire flight, promising to pray for her and her future husband and all that God has for them. Again, felt like spending time with family!!!

So, no, we are not "at the olympics" yet, but is God moving and working all around us? Oh yes!!! Is He teaching us to be on mission every moment of every day!!! Most assuredly!!! Has this been an incredible day of travel?!!! Well, after reading this, what do you think?!! :) Thanks, as always, for your prayers and support. May God stir in your heart to reach out to those around you, as He stirs our hearts to do the same on every step of this journey!!!!

Serving together,
